1. Sluggy Jean Takes A Hike (itch) Mac Os X
  2. Sluggy Jean Takes A Hike (itch) Mac Os Catalina

Sluggy Jean Takes a Hike is a game about Sluggy Jean's Journey through 50 unique mazes. They utilize their sticky slug faculties to jump onto walls and find their way through each maze. After enough levels, They challenge the Universe! And after doing so, Sluggy Jean finds themself endeavoring their best to elude through each maze in an endeavor to take down the challenger. Using AppleScript to build Mac OS X applications by Jean-Luc David in Developer on April 16, 2004, 12:00 AM PST AppleScript is commonly used to automate Mac OS desktop applications.

Sluggy jean takes a hike (itch) mac os x

Sluggy Jean Takes A Hike (itch) Mac Os X

Sluggy Jean Takes A Hike (itch) Mac Os Catalina

After installing Mac OS X Snow Leopard, my iMac was initially FASTER than before. Programs loaded faster, large PDF files rendered quicker. However, in the last few weeks I've been noticing some MAJOR slow downs. My iMac had NEVER been this slow with Tiger or Leopard. This happens no matter how many programs I have open at once.
-Switching between programs freezes the dock and windows resulting in beach ball
-Youtube videos load 3-4 times slower
-Switching tabs in Safari or even TYPING leads to freezing/delays. (ie. I can type a full website in the address bar and it will appear 10 seconds later)
That's about it
I have the iMac listed in my signature (1GB RAM, 30GB free on the HD, 2.0 Core 2 Duo).
Any help is appreciated