1. Localhost Mac Os X
  2. Localhost Mc Server
  3. Localhost Mac Os Catalina
  4. Mac Os Localhost

Using Docker containers as localhost on Mac/Windows. Tip submitted by @Akuka. Difference between Docker on Linux and Docker on Mac/Windows environments. Based on your OS, your DOCKERHOST is different. On Linux, it will simply be your localhost. For Mac/Windows, you should obtain the appropriate IP using the following command. By Ryan Sukale November 8, 2016. If you need to use the ip address of your mac instead of using localhost, here is an easy way to find the ip address of your mac via the command line. Just run the following command in your terminal. Ifconfig grep broadcast. In the output that follows, the place that I have marked as ip address is your local ip address.

When you encounter an iTunes error like 3194, network failures, or connectivity issues, it is recommended to edit the hosts file. If you have updated the file many times, the original version is gone. Of course, you would have ideally created a backup copy of the original, but in the event that you didn’t, here’s how to reset the hosts file to default in macOS and Windows.

What is the Hosts File?

The simplest explanation is that it is a text file used by your computer to map a connection between an IP address and domain names. It can be edited to test certain network aspects or to troubleshoot connectivity issues. Of course, you should keep a backup of it before editing. But in case you do not, you can still recover the original version as explained below.

How to Reset the Hosts File Back to Default in macOS

On a Mac, the hosts file mostly contains nothing more than a couple of lines of active code. The rest of the stuff is just commented out (description of the hosts file itself).

To reset, we are going to open the hosts file in a text editor, replace the entire file with the default text and save it. That’s it.

  1. From the Finder, navigate to GoGo to Folder.
  2. Type this in the Go to Folder window: /private/etc/hosts
  3. From the finder window, click and drag the hosts file to the desktop. (We are doing this because we can’t open directly and edit it.)
  4. Double-click the hosts file (on the desktop), and it will open in TextEdit (or any default text editor on your Mac).
  5. Erase everything in it by pressing Command + A to select all and then press the delete key.
  6. Copy the following piece of text and paste it into the hosts file.
  7. Save this file by clicking on the red close button. Or, click on File from the top menu bar and then select Save.
  8. Open the Go to Folder window and open /private/etc/hosts again.
  9. Step #9. Drag the hosts file from the desktop back to the /private/etc/ folder.
  10. You will be asked about the existing hosts file. Choose Replace and authenticate with the admin password when asked for it.
  11. Restart the Mac to get things rolling again.

How to Restore the Hosts File Back to Default in Windows

  1. Open Notepad on your PC
  2. Go to this page and copy the text of the hosts file for your OS version. Different hosts file contents exist for different Windows versions (although they vary slightly)
  3. Once you’ve pasted the text into Notepad, save the file as “hosts” – include the quotes. (this is because you don’t want to save the file as a .txt file). Save it on the desktop so that you can easily access it in the next few steps
  4. Now, open this location: %WinDir%System32DriversEtc You can do this by opening Run and pasting the location here
  5. Once the folder opens, drag and drop the hosts file from the desktop into the folder. You will be prompted to replace the file and then prompted for the admin password

With this huge update to the hosts file, you might want to restart your computer.

The hosts file is usually used just to map web addresses to specific IP addresses and to block websites (by re-directing/mapping them to invalid/incorrect IPs).

Signing off…

This is how you can reset hosts file to default. Once you change it to default, it may resolve some connectivity problems that you have with your computer.

You may like to check:

Change your hostname from 'localhost' 8 comments Create New Account
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I tried to set the hostname on my machine like this a few different times in the past two months. It never worked for me. I did find something that did work though.
If you look in the startup items in the system folder for OS X you'll see a Network startup item. If you edit the hostname line in this startup item it will always be correct in the terminal. I haven't had any problems with this method either, like apache not starting correctly etc. Admittedly it would be nicer to find the place where te Network startup item is pulling the hostname variable from and change it there, but I haven't had the time.

I did look a little into this, and what I found is that it uses ipconfig (and the daemon, ipconfigd) to check for a hostname (the exact line is,
ipconfig getoption ' host_name
which, when I run (as root, so add sudo in front if necessary) is that there's nothing. When this happens in the Network startup script, it then falls back to localhost.
The big question, then, is how do you tell ipconfigd to setup a host_name entry? I have yet to stumble onto any docs for ipconfig/ipconfigd.


Localhost Mac Os X

Watch out for missing prefs if you change your hostname

If you look in ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost you'll see a bunch of files like screensaver.localhost.plist (just an example, I'm not near my Mac right now :)
If you change your hostname, then you'll lose all of these settings.
In case you're wondering, these settings are for people that have their user folder stored on a network so they can set up different prefs for different machines. (This is something that will probably be seen more with OS X Server)
Anyway, after editing /etc/hostconfig, you'll want to run something like:
cd ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost
for file in $files; do
mv $file `echo $file sed 's/MyOldName/MyNewName/g'`
... yes it's a horrible UNIX script but it works.
here's what happens...
cd ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost
change directory (D'uh)
start a bourne shell because csh (or tcsh) suck at scripts.
create a list of the files here
for file in $files; do
think 'for every file'
mv $file `echo $file sed 's/MyOldName/MyNewName/g'`
rename the file. The sed bit swaps MyOldName for MyNewName.
required to terminate the for loop
go back to your previous shell
Now the bad news :(
Some apps will create preference files with spaces in them. THIS IS REALLY BAD FOR UNIX SCRIPTS!
The line 'for file in $files; do' splits the list of files by looking for spaces so it can't handle files with spaces in them. (There's probably a way to get this to work nicer but it would be really long)
... basically you'll have to rename any files with spaces manually (from the Finder or the command line). using mv 'File 1.localhost.plist' 'File 1.Robert.plist' works because of the quote characters.
Hope that helps...
Link :)

This tip seems to reapear every so often...
It doesn't work. The Hostname is manage by NetInfo...
Take this false story down!

Localhost Mc Server

Well it worked for me while months of tweaking this and that, including NetInfo, di not.
Thanks for the tip!

so why not tell us how to do it through NetInfo?

Localhost Mac Os Catalina

Actually, this does work. If you examine the Network startup script you will see that
if the HOSTNAME directive in /etc/hostconfig is set to -AUTOMATIC-, then the ipconfig
command is used to get the hostname. However, this option for ipconfig appears to
be broken, and trying it returns a kernel/os error message. The startup script then
sets the hostname to whatever is specified as HOSTNAME in /etc/hostconfig if an
error is not returned (but since this is always the case, it will always use whatever
is in the file).
I thought this might have been part of apple's strategy to make OS X less usable
as a server as to force users to purchase X Server, but setting the hostname via
ipconfig is broken on that as well......
So yes, the point is this tip is certainly true.
Aaron Faby

Mac Os Localhost

actually, the file /etc/hostconfig is very much specific to netinfo inherent from the NeXT Operating System.
IMOHO, on Mac OSX, hostname changes should be done via netinfo using the niutil command.
I haven't been able to get my hands on sysadmin docu on OS X to understand how to do the needful change. But once's i've got it. I can uupdate here.